BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust

BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust is not very popular among insiders. Tradey thinks it is not wise to invest in BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust.
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BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust is a closed-end investment fund/investment trust. The company's...


BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust (BGT) Shares Cross Below 200 DMA
BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust (BGT) Shares Cross Below 200 DMA

Dividend Channel In trading on Monday, shares of BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust (BGT) crossed below their 200 day moving average of 12.62, changing hands as low as 12.05 per share. BlackRock Floating...\n more…

BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust Fund declares $0.1083 dividend
BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust Fund declares $0.1083 dividend All News BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust Fund (NYSE:BGT) declares $0.1083/share monthly dividend, in line with previous.Forward yield 11.49%Payable April 28; for shareholders of record April...\n more…