Slashdot Microsoft announced plans to modify Windows, enabling security vendors like CrowdStrike to operate outside the operating system's kernel. The move follows the July incident where a faulty CrowdStrike update caused widespread system failures. From a report: Microsoft says it has now "discussed the re...\n more…
GeekWire Living Computers: Museum + Labs on First Avenue South in Seattle opened in 2012. The nonprofit closed in 2020 just before the pandemic and never reopened. (GeekWire Photo / Todd Bishop)\n\nLiving...\n more…
CNBC Television-YouTube Trade Tracker: Bill Baruch buys more Meta, Microsoft and Broadcom...\n more…
Orange County Register: Business Breana Noble | (TNS) The Detroit News\nArtificial intelligence-powered photographic inspections, 3D-printed tools and augmented-reality training headsets are part of Ford Motor Co.'s strategy to...\n more…
GeekWire Microsoft Xbox has been looking to reduce expenses since bringing on game giant Activision-Blizzard. (GeekWire File Photo / Nat Levy)\n\nMicrosoft continued the cost-cutting in its Xbox and video...\n more…